Fashion, Fitness, ZMGT

Olivia Wilde & her Dance/Fitness routine for SHAPE.

Spring is here (well it doesn’t feel like it in NYC quite yet …) but summer is just around the corner & we’re all about those crop tops. So, we’re taking tips from new mom/model/actress Olivia Wilde and her fitness / dance routine. You’ll love breaking it down to these beats & moves (catch the step by step after the interview below).

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The face of Revlon covers & poses in SHAPE Magazine’s latest issue – she looks fab plus talks about ‘bouncing back’ after a baby.

Wilde points out how there’s so much attention paid to new Hollywood mom’s and their post-baby bod’ (although we do have to say she looks incredible after giving birth less than a year ago). She says, “I am not in perfect shape. In fact, I’m softer than I’ve ever been, including that unfortunate semester in high school when I simultaneously discovered Krispy Kreme and pot.” LOL! We always love her candidness.

Adding, “The photos of me in this magazine have been generously constructed to show my best angles, and I assure you, good lighting has been warmly embraced. The truth is, I’m a mother, and I look like one.”

On getting back in the workout groove: “If I wasn’t at work, I just wanted to stay home and party with my little man—and by ‘party’ I mean, of course, endless rounds of the ‘Itsy Bitsy Spider.’ Also, I like beer. And pizza. And these two ingredients are not found in the purely fictional book I like to call How to Look Like You Never Made a Human: A Guide to Socially Acceptable Motherhood.” We feel ya!

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So, what does Olivia do to keep her rockin’ bod’? Probably the most fun & best form of exercise ever: Dancing.

“It’s understandable that many of us are scarred by childhood ballet, but dance doesn’t have to be scary, and in fact, can be the most fun you’ve ever had sweating your butt off. Which is why I’m a follower of Kristin Sudeikis, the queen of NYC dancercise and creator of 2Fly.” Listen, baby or no baby, getting out of the house to exercise is a serious achievement. If you’re going to haul your behind to a class, it’s not going to be for anyone else; not your partner, nemesis, mother, or tabloid bloggers—just you. And your special relationship with your own damn fat cells. For me, the bottom line (pun intended) is that the workout is fun.”

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Coincidentally, Kristin is Olivia’s fiance’s sister (Jason Sudeikis), the creator of 2Fly says of dancercise, “Dance releases endorphins which interact with serotonin and dopamine, chemicals that have the power to instantly boost your mood.”

The full body fat burner, 2Fly, was inspired by “the early ‘90s Fly Girls (J.Lo’s original claim to fame), and blends fat-melting aerobics with serious attitude that makes you feel, well, pretty damn fly,” (Wilde).

How it Works: Make a playlist with your seven favorite songs. Press play, then do the first move for 1 minute. Then do the second move for 1 minute. Then do the first move again, then the second move, and then the third for 1 minute each. Start over and do the first four moves for 1 minute each. Then the first five. Continue with this cycle of adding a move on each round until you’ve done all seven moves. If you’re really feeling it, repeat the entire thing. Do this routine 3 or 4 times a week on alternate days.

What’s YOUR fav workout babeZ? We’re definitely going to get our groove on with this.

*Photos & Interview courtesy of SHAPE Magazine.
